$SUI - $POPCAT/$FET- $ETH My BUY & SELL levels - Crypto Consulting Institute

$SUI - $POPCAT/$FET- $ETH 🎯 My BUY & SELL levels

How’s everyone traveling? Welcome to today’s altcoin  Bible. We are just 24 hours away. In fact, we’re within 24 hours of, I guess, the pivot of this entire liquidity cycle. And if you followed our work and what we put out a lot without macro reporting, and  if you’re a mastermind, you’ll be all across the same as some graduates as well.

Bitcoin and crypto,  they generally run and move into massive bull markets when we see a loosening of the liquidity. And that’s what we’re about to see with Bitcoin.  Now, the short term stuff, look, it’s a bit subjective. You can kind of read into it a few different ways. My view is because these are orderly cuts and not let’s say emergency cuts after a massive market correction or a big major catalyst, let’s say like COVID, this is actually going to be rather bullish.

Now, I’m not saying there won’t be short term volatility. You know, potentially just liquidations left, right and center up and to the downside but I think what we’re seeing especially in the stock market right now and also we’re seeing a bit of a There’s there’s just some energy about crypto right now So i’m i’m thinking we are going to see that big uptick after the event again You can never predict what what’s going to happen here my initial sense Is though we have to treat these massive catalyst events almost like a, you know, sell the news type situation, depending on how aggressive the cuts up.

So if we’re looking here, it was, it was sort of forethought that 0. 25 percent was going to be the easy path that that’s all they’re going to do. I think markets will like that generally. And it’s kind of why we’re seeing this I guess surge into it, but the, over the last, let’s say week, we’ve seen a large uptick in the probability that there’s going to be a 0.

5% 0. 75 cut. There’s even talking 0. 75. I mean that’s absolutely ridiculous but 0. 5 seems to be firming in probabilities. Now this doesn’t really,  I can say it matters, but then it doesn’t. These can really flip and what this sentiment is going off of, I believe, is a Wall Street Journal article and some other, you know I guess talk about unemployment, you know, going up and whatnot, but let’s just look at this very, very soberly.

If they do a 0. 5, I think there will be some severe short term volatility, potentially the downside, but I think we rally pretty hard. It’s going to be a dip that’s going to be bought and a 0. 25, it’s questionable whether we actually do get a you know, a reasonable dip in equities. Now, does that matter for crypto?

Probably. I feel like most investors right now Are going to this is the smart plan right now is to go defensive. It’s just be a little bit more defensive If you’re in a high risk position, let’s say a really low market cap position that you have gotten to recently It’s a short term trade you know my view could time to maybe pump the brakes on that just until we have a bit of clarity on the other side because if there is a A dip here into the event and you wake up the next day you wait for that day to close and you see that You can buy everything at a 10 20 discount.

We have maybe a final sweep of that 55 000 region You  You’re likely going to get a lot more value in that. But if we wake up, you know, tomorrow, you know, much higher, fantastic. You know that we’re now into a positive regime more than likely, and you can buy or maybe an aggressive let’s say breakout target that you’ve had set on your charts.

But I wanted to give you guys a bit of an overview. I might do a bit of a write up of the masterminds, potentially share it to the other groups on On what I’m expecting, but so far I think some positivity in markets. It doesn’t mean it’s going to last through today. Again, I think as we approach the deadline, I think it’s about 3 30 in the morning tomorrow  is the rate cut.

So, yeah, we’re going to see some volatility. When I say volatility, it just means, you know, sharp price movements in either direction. So we could get a rally into it, then a sell the news. and rally back up, you know, that type of situation. That’s what I’m thinking. Now, let’s move on over to the altcoin bible.

So one of the best looking charts right now in crypto is SUI. Now it’s an up and coming layer one. I know Raoul pulls all over it, it’s on the board and whatnot, so he shills it a lot. But you know what, the charts, that’s all I really care about in these sessions to apart from, you know, some fundamental you know, chat here and there.

I do know overnight though, SUI had a US Native USDC tokens added to the SUI ecosystem, which seems like a big deal for the liquidity and,  you know, internal network dynamics. But just looking at the chart, we’ve been following for a little while. If we zoom in, well, actually, first of all, let’s sort of step back and look at the broader downtrend that SUI’s been in for a very long time.

It broke that downtrend conclusively. at this point here. Now it tried through there, got, you know, sold into, tried through there, again got sold into. Bitcoin and larger market moves sort of forced the hand on some of these opium drives. First breakout is often wrong, second breakout can actually be right most times, but if there’s, if the market’s still in a weak, precarious state, can get sold off again.

So this is just chop to, you know, cut up derivatives and traders. So, This third breakout though is really important and it looks like it’s going to stick. The reason why is we’ve conclusively made a higher high, you know, broken out of this blue line here in this volume support. And importantly, we have now closed above the 200 day moving average.

So this here looks very, very nice to me in the sense that this is a,  let’s say this was the low down here, This is the first, I guess, higher high, you’ve got the higher low in here, and now we’ve made a high high. So this is a brand new, beautiful breakout trend from the low. I think SUI is going much, much higher here over a period of time.

Probably runs into this, you know, could chop around here, but I think it gets into this area here, 1. 5. You know fairly soon in the midterm that kind of kind of thinking here again not going to put a time frame on it but I think that’s what to be expected in terms of just mapping the price action where it could go to because that’s the next major resistance that’s where the a lot of the price action was traded back when we’re in a real peak state at the start of the year.

But this is incredibly positive. The RSI is just ticking into the power zone that’s where we want it to be. Stoke RSI looks a little bit hot, That’s okay. We could probably have a pullback to the 200. But I wanna see, you know, support kind of held through here. That was one, 1.1, one point one five, that type of region.

We just wanna hold above, essentially a dollar. The basing above a dollar is really, really important.  Okay. I’ve got two, one to watches today, so it’s two to watch. Today I’ve got a, I guess. a more speculative lower cap, which we’re, we’d focus on a couple of times, and especially in a newsletter, and that’s PopCat.

Drift, one of our other suggestions is flying off the handle. It’s up to about 66%. So congratulations if you saw that and got on that. It’s now breaking out to all new all time highs, different dynamic ones at new all time highs. I tend to really have that higher focus. You can sort of get in and out and make a really fantastic trade and go, I’ve done it.

Fantastic, I’ve made 60%. But if you look at the higher time frame or something like a drift,  the other view is the recency bias is almost telling you that it’s a short term trade, you need to take the profits. And that’s a really good sense to have. But if you are looking at it in a longer term sense, it’s a low market cap coin that’s breaking out to a new all time high.

It’s breaking out with volume. It’s above the, the, the proof of distance now using as support. That is an incredible platform to just let it run. Let it run for as long as possible until you see serious weakness and, you know, bearish divergences, dead cat bounces, all that. Let’s pivot back on over to PopCat.

So PopCat, I think, is not too far away from emulating something like a drift.  And it’s actually a, you know, similar chart, but not the same. But if we have a look here at PopCap, it’s very clearly in a defined range. It has been since the start of August. If we have a look here, it looks like it found a low here came up, tested the top here.

So that’s a, let’s just say a higher high, local higher high, because the last low high was over here. So, low,  higher high from the last one. This is a higher low from that last low. And now I think, I mean, this very clearly looks like that. That’s trying to create a trend within the range, but it’s not a bullish and confirmed in my personal opinion, until we crack this upper range and create another higher high for a year.

And then you’ve got a very clear upwards shaping trend and you want it to come back and bounce off this you know, resistance flip support and around about 78 cents. So let’s say 80 cents. It’s going to just. probably oscillate just above that for a bit. But then you’re in the all time high territory in the pop cap.

And once you’re up there, I think the market really starts to get really juicy to the upside. And this is what’s great about coins with no previous price history or just a really close recent price history is that it doesn’t have the baggage that a lot of these dinosaur coins have. I want to say dinosaur coins, I mean, that’s been here for multiple cycles, where you can see a lot of previous price action in terms of you know, it’s fallen so far that above it, it’s got a lot of resistance levels that run into with something like PopCap, something like Drift.

They’re actually really great because they can just fly because there is no previous price action. There’s no areas for traders to go. We’re going to throw in a bunch of sell orders here. We’re going to trade this here. They’re really running off, you know, Fibonacci extensions and different things like that after that point.

But for a, an investor,  an investor in a, maybe a spot trader, because maybe a longer term focus, you can make some serious money on these new coins. All right, my other one to watch today is FET. And I could almost throw the, the whole AI  space into this basket. And when I say AI space, maybe means more the more serious AI tokens.

You know, you’ve got Injective, Fetch, Render those sort of types near could be thrown in there, but I’ve just I did this previously last week and I was just looking at this trend and I’m thinking, okay, this is the start of something pretty nice you’ve got this inverse head and shoulders that has developed, which again, I think I had this left here since last old coin Bible or maybe it was a mastermind video.

It doesn’t matter. You see your left shoulder, inverse head, right shoulder. I found the low here bounce and what it’s trying to do is if this is a breakout from an inverse head and shoulders pattern then what we really are expecting here is this is a higher low and then we’re going to rip up to this which is the 200 day moving average at about 1.

8 as our next Higher high. So that’s what we want to say. And this year’s constructively looks really nice. It’s bouncing off the resistance 10 support now, and now it’s building for that rip to the upside. Now, I know BlackRock has just said they’re doing an AI  investment fund. So again, there’s lots of nice little narratives and catalysts that you could, you know, attach to it.

And once she’s out of this, then you can start to say, all right, well, if it’s building into this, you know, rip to the 200, where could it go from there? Right. And I like to kind of build out and forecast because it’s so crazy how often I do these squiggles and you guys might do your own little drawings and squiggles where you think something might end up and, you know, just a simple pattern which kind of mirrors Elliot waves.

You kind of think, well, where am I going to end up? And I think the most logical look to this pattern that we’ll be developing is a massive cup and handle, very, very similar to what Bitcoin looks like on the monthly chart. And most old coins will do this that are going to respond really strongly in this next period is.

They’re going to have to recontend with the area that they broke down from which would be for FET about 2. 10, that kind of region here. You see, once I broke this level, that was the floor and then it fell out. So once we’re up here, it’s going to contend with that resistance through here, might rip a little bit higher, come back down, and then it’s off to break those new all time highs again.

It takes time for these things to I guess build out and profit taking will happen. All right. My dangers are over this week. Now. Look, Ethereum, I have no problem with the medium, long term price action for Ethereum. It is going to respond and it’s going to respond in a massive way, but it’s going to do it when it wants to and on its own terms.

So if you’re a patient investor, fine, don’t worry about Ethereum. You’d just be buying these levels and we go, okay, this is great value compared to where it was, you know, a few months ago.  But in the short term, it’s problematic in the respect that it’s just not showing any strength whatsoever. It’s really Bitcoin, FBTCs, for example so it’s a really hard sell.

You can try and catch a falling knife, but I think it’s a longer term investor. It’s good to, you know, recognize where it’s at nibble, but don’t go too hard thinking I’m seeing a bearish divergence, right? Sorry, a strong bullish divergence. I’m going to go you know, so all in here while I can see the narrative that I even got it here.

I’m saying, okay, well, there is a massive bull divergence developing here. Contrarian wise and as a trader, I would probably be buying this with a stop loss and whatnot underneath here. But I don’t feel inclined to do that. I’m just saying no strength whatsoever. I want to see Ethereum  do that first, and then I can get a little bit more excited on where it sits.

But ultimately to be super safe, I want to see it. If I can see it in here and it’s a bubble, this price action, then I’m much more excited about, you know, Ethereum having a major bounce, Altcoins having a really move, a big move with 3SBTC rallying as well. So that’s what I’m looking at here. But right now we’re in a bit of a danger zone.

So it’s you know, falling down lower. So I’m at a lower low. It’s actually made another lower high. So you can see here, lower high, lower high, lower high, run into resistance previous support turn resistance, run into there and now it’s falling below these moving averages. This to me.  Yeah, it’s in a danger zone.

Doesn’t look great. You know, it could rally for me. Absolutely. RSI started to point down again. Yeah, it just doesn’t look enticing to me whatsoever. So that is my danger zone this week, guys. So I hope you’ve enjoyed this episode. Also guys, I’m still doing one on one calls. I’ve had some tremendous ones so far.

I think I’ve had four. I’ve still got a few spots left. So if you’re interested, you know, make sure to find the link. I might be able to post it down below and you can book in with me, but it’s happened to have been tremendously valuable. So have a great day. We’ll catch you again next time. See you later.


Bitcoin (BTC) $ 66,993.95
Ethereum (ETH) $ 2,623.13
Tether (USDT) $ 0.999762
BNB (BNB) $ 593.81
Solana (SOL) $ 166.48
USDC (USDC) $ 0.999826
XRP (XRP) $ 0.53276
Lido Staked Ether (STETH) $ 2,622.93
Dogecoin (DOGE) $ 0.140806
TRON (TRX) $ 0.159622

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I am Joe, CEO and Founder of Crypto Consulting Institute, Australia's top-rated crypto education company. With my passion for finance and years of stock market experience, I have helped thousands of investors transition to sophisticated investors using my proven 5 Pillar Investment System. Our team has created over $55 million in profits to date, and we continue to grow.

My alternative thinking and education in cryptocurrencies since 2014 allowed me to quit my day job and follow my passion of investing and helping others achieve financial freedom. With my success, I have been featured on NASDAQ, Channel Ten, Channel Nine, and Dollars With Sense TV, as well as speaking at global events such as Barclays Bank in London and the Bitcoin and Blockchain Fair.

Recently, I was headhunted by Tradesmith, a US-based investment technology company tracking over $30 billion in clients' invested capital. I now help traditional investors safely invest in the digital asset economy. My success and expertise in the industry speak for themselves, and I am dedicated to continuing to help others achieve their financial goals.

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My alternative thinking and education in cryptocurrencies since 2014 allowed me to quit my day job and follow my passion of investing and helping others achieve financial freedom. With my success, I have been featured on NASDAQ, Channel Ten, Channel Nine, and Dollars With Sense TV, as well as speaking at global events such as Barclays Bank in London and the Bitcoin and Blockchain Fair.

Recently, I was headhunted by Tradesmith, a US-based investment technology company tracking over $30 billion in clients' invested capital. I now help traditional investors safely invest in the digital asset economy. My success and expertise in the industry speak for themselves, and I am dedicated to continuing to help others achieve their financial goals.

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I am Joe, CEO and Founder of Crypto Consulting Institute, Australia's top-rated crypto education company. With my passion for finance and years of stock market experience, I have helped thousands of investors transition to sophisticated investors using my proven 5 Pillar Investment System. Our team has created over $55 million in profits to date, and we continue to grow.

My alternative thinking and education in cryptocurrencies since 2014 allowed me to quit my day job and follow my passion of investing and helping others achieve financial freedom. With my success, I have been featured on NASDAQ, Channel Ten, Channel Nine, and Dollars With Sense TV, as well as speaking at global events such as Barclays Bank in London and the Bitcoin and Blockchain Fair.

Recently, I was headhunted by Tradesmith, a US-based investment technology company tracking over $30 billion in clients' invested capital. I now help traditional investors safely invest in the digital asset economy. My success and expertise in the industry speak for themselves, and I am dedicated to continuing to help others achieve their financial goals.

Hear What Our Clients Are Saying

Zero knowledge of cryptocurrencies? This man became a millionaire. Anything is possible with the right education in place!

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The bank wouldn't give him a home loan even though he was working 2 jobs! Until CCI entered, and give the right strategy.

Adrian hits his first $1M in crypto within 3 months of working with us!

Well 10 days after we shot this, he hit his second million. And now just 16 months later, he has surpassed $15 MILLION USD!

For most people, this level of returns are unfathomable.

We simply gave him the tools and crypto strategies and Adrian ran with it!

I am not suggesting that all of our clients are performing on this level.

CCI simply demonstrating that we are incredible at helping people achieve their full potential.

Age doesn't MATTER! - A 72 Year Old Crushes It In Crypto

Some people think crypto is too ‘difficult’…

Well Peter completely dismissed that though and transitioned a large holding of his stock portfolio to gain exposure to this revolutionary asset class.

In this video Peter outlines how his portfolio exploded!